Gradient Group, LLC was selected the Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO) to provide Traffic Impact Analysis, Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis, and Conceptual Traffic Signal Design for the proposed METRO Police Department and Maintenance of Way Facility at 1507 Keene Street on the northeast quadrant of the IH-45 and IH-10 interchange in north downtown Houston, Texas.
The scope of this study includes:
- Existing traffic conditions assessment;
- 24-hour weekday video based turning movement counts;
- Generate estimate of vehicle trips to and from the site for weekday AM and PM peak hours;
- Conduct level-of-service and capacity analysis for projected access conditions;
- Examine warrants for turn lanes at intersections and driveways;
- Conduct a reverse traffic signal warrant for North Main Street and Brooks Street;
- Conduct a traffic signal warrant analysis for North Main Street and Trentham Place/Brooks Street; and
- Develop schematic traffic signal design for North Main Street and Trentham Place/Brooks Street