Gradient Group, LLC was selected the Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO) to investigate how a BRT station work as part of the managed lanes portion of the NHHIP project on a section of IH 45 North between IH 10 and IH 610. The task will identify, on a conceptual sketch level basis, the following: Physical connections between the managed lanes and a BRT station located alongside the expressway similar to the sketch planning level design developed for IH 10 West Inner Katy BRT line in the METRONext Moving Forward Plan; Physical connections between the managed lanes and a BRT station located in the median of the expressway; How a BRT station can receive geometric and operational priority on the managed lanes and what technologies can be used to accommodate BRT vehicles between the managed lanes and a station; What techniques can a BRT overlay concept use to provide a high-quality customer experience through a purpose-built station and effective connections; and A station design based on the physical parameters developed for BRT stations for METRONext, but in expressway-adjacent and potentially above-grade configuration. The use of 40-ft BRT-style buses is assumed; the use of articulated buses in high speed expressway and managed lanes operations is not recommended. Any information requests of or communications with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) conducted by METRO staff.