Harris County Precinct 3

Gradient Group, LLC was selected by Harris County Pct 3 to conduct a roadway needs assessment and providing recommendations for reconstructing each individual roadway within the Hemwick Place Subdivision to indicate if the roadway repair needed to be: 1) Spot Specific Base Repair with Mill and Overlay (maintain Current Grade); 2) Spot Specific Base Repair with an Overlay (2” increase to the Current Grade); and 3) Roadway reconstruction. Once the geotechnical report was completed – Harris County Engineering Department reviewed the report and design began to satisfy all Harris County standards (including subgrade stabilization and culvert requirements). Cross culvert pipes were extended as needed at intersections of roadways to ensure that edge drop off is not a concern.  The driveways were constructed using the following criteria: 1) If the existing driveway is an ASPHALT driveway please mill and overlay the entire driveway within the ROW; 2) If the existing  driveway is a CONCRETE driveway please make an asphalt taper as needed to daylight the proposed asphalt grade onto the existing driveway.  All work should be within the existing ROW. 3) If the existing driveway is a GRAVEL driveway please make an asphalt taper as needed to daylight the proposed asphalt grade onto the existing driveway.  All work should be within the existing ROW. 4) Driveways shall be the same width at the Edge of the ROW that they currently are. 5) Driveways shall be the same width at the Edge of the Roadway that they currently are. 


Harris County
Precinct 3