Gradient Group, LLC was selected by Harris County Precinct 2 to perform professional engineering and other associated services for the preparation of plans, specifications, and construction documents for the construction of the new Hike & Bike facility design and a pedestrian signal design at East Linkage Road. The project scope of work includes design and bid phase engineering services to develop construction documents from Google Earth (saving the County time and money normally spent on surveying) to construct approximately 1,300 linear feet of concrete sidewalk along Space Center Blvd from E Nasa Parkway to east Linkage Road. Gradient was also responsible for retrofitting the existing traffic signal at Space Center Blvd and E Linkage Road with a new pedestrian signal crossing. The scope included the installation of pedestrian countdown signal heads and APS pedestrian pushbuttons, as well as signing and pavement markings. We saved the County time and money, generally spent on surveying, by developing construction documents from Google Earth to construct approximately linear feet of concrete sidewalk along Space Center Blvd from E Nasa Parkway to east Linkage Road.