Gradient Group, LLC was responsible for the drainage analysis and recommendations for this City of Houston Local Street Improvement Pre-Engineering project. The goal was to understand the limitations and deficiencies of the local streets within the study area and provide both functional and financially effective conceptual improvement recommendations. The study area covered an area of approximately 143 acres generally located between Beechnut Street and HCFCD Unit D120-00-00 (Tributary 20.90 to Brays Bayou) to the north and south, and Kirkwood and Boone to the west and east. The existing storm sewer contained three trunk lines draining into HCFCD Unit D120-0000. All improvements to the existing storm sewer required an Impact Analysis to HCFCD Unit D120-00-00. Two of the trunk line within the study area extended along Beechnut. To evaluate the system for the 100-year extreme event (in accordance with COH criteria), the capacity of these two systems needed to be considered. Therefore, the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis study area had to be extended north of Beechnut by approximately 15 acres. We utilized available data and field investigations to define the problem areas and evaluating alternative solutions recommendations.